Let’s Go To South Beach

Let's Go To South Beach
Sorry I have been out of touch.
As you know I had a big birthday this month.
It wasn’t as painful as I thought, enjoyed a great day with family and friends.
We had a beautiful bonfire on the beach, watched the sunset and ate smores.
Rosemary Beach, Florida
What more could a girl ask for?
Well…How about a girl’s trip to South Beach!
The last of my birthday celebration is this weekend and we are heading to Miami!
Lots of sun, cocktails, good food and of course dancing!
When packing I try to keep in mind packing items that can be used more than once.
Picking colors and shoes that you can mix and match.
My TKEES for easy airport traveling will be perfect by the pool.
My jewelry can go day or night as well as easy to wear sundresses.
So here you have it, my packing list! You can click on the image above to get more details.
I’ll take lots of pictures and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Delano Hotel- HERE WE COME!




5 Ways to Instantly Feel Put Together

5 Ways to Feel Instantly Put Together

5 Ways to Feel Instantly Put Together by fashionablechicks featuring faded jeans

1. If you grew up with my Southern Mother you would have known this since the time you turned 13! Don’t leave the house without mascara and lip gloss. Seriously, she knew what she was talking about! Nowadays I may add CONCEALER to that list too.

2. It doesn’t have to be a professional MANI, but take a moment every couple of days to either file and or add a coat of polish. It doesn’t take long and it really helps you look and I swear feel better either around town or in the office.

3. Bling!! If you know me you know this may be my actual number one! Accessories really make you feel put together. Even if you throw on the exact same watch, bracelet and earrings everyday it will make you feel like a lady. Trust me! If you want to get really crazy grab one of your cute clutches that you usually save for a night on the town.

4. They don’t have to be super high heels but even a wedge with a cute pair of shorts or jeans make all the difference.

5. Get out of the sweats and into a pair of cuffed jeans to wear to the ballpark or run errands, throw on a comfy white t-shirt and a scarf and you will be the most Fashionable CHICK in town. Hey, if you look so cute no one will notice the fact that your hair is in a ponytail and you haven’t had a chance to take a shower!

You will be ready to conquer the day and feel like a million bucks! Don’t do it for anyone but yourself!
XO, Fashionable CHICK

Every One Needs A Little Sparkle

Every One Needs A Little Sparkle

Since old man winter decided to come a little early, I thought we all needed a little SHINE to get us to the weekend! 

I have a party on Saturday and Im really wanting to find a sequin skirt to wear! Add a cute tuxedo jacket with it to dress it up or add a denim shirt tied in a knot with a cute pair of pumps and you are ready to hit the town with the girls!! 

Ignore the fact that this jacket cost a bazillion dollars, you can find them anywhere. Try your local vintage store. And remember what I always say about blazers, buy a size smaller. It will be a lot more sexy and feminine for sure!!

Fashionable CHICk