

Heading South to the Florida Keys on Thursday for some much needed R&R.

When planning our vacation I had three rules-

1. No sightseeing
2. No agenda
3. No fancy clothes

I truly want to veg, read at least two books and drink lots of beverages that have umbrellas in them!
That is it, nothing else!

I am packing very light, at least I’m going to try.
This is a very difficult task for me.

I got this bikini at Old Navy over the weekend.
It was $20! No lie.
It is a bright orange with gold rings and I love it, who needs to spend $200 on a bikini?

Add a couple sundresses, sunglasses and a hat and I’m out the door.

I bought the anchor necklace the other day and I love it.
Shhh, don’t tell my mom but I’ve always wanted a small anchor tattoo (I spent a lot of my childhood on a boat if you are wondering the significance).
This will have to do the job.

Happy Monday, so thrilled about my three day work week!
Fashionable CHICKs

PS. New website is almost finished!
I can’t wait…..

Summer in the City

My week in pictures…
This has been a crazy week for me so I apologize for not blogging.
As I was thinking and researching what to write I thought I should do a where to go and what to do in good ole A-T-L for those who may be heading this way this summer!
Maybe I’ll make this a weekly thing…..
Where to Shop
Poppy’s of Atlanta- Of Course, my second home
Tulipano- My good friend Mary is the owner, tell her I sent you!
Emly Benham’s- Best shoes in town!
DEKA- very cool workout clothes and shoes
Had to post this pic of my girlfriends clothes, do you think she likes Coral?
 I think she has an issue! LOL!
I love how organized and color coded it is! Go Girl!
Vintage- Trayce Carr is the owner, she has fabulous stuff
Scott’s- 2nd Weekend of Every Month, Bring a Truck!
Where to Take the Best Walk

Chastain Park- If you come soon you will see the flock of goats they brought in to eat the kudzu
Piedmont Park

Where To See The Best Sunset and Eat the Best Sushi

Park Tavern
Had a glorious night with great friends on Sunday, we had sushi and watched the sunset
Every Sunday they have a free Unplugged concert
It is a great place to bring your children and your dogs
For the Kids

took the kiddos this week and it was very cool
King and Queen Building made out of Legos
If you are coming with girlfriends or your mate, You must book an appointment at the Dry Bar!
This is my favorite spot for some Sexy Goin’ Out Hair!
All they do is shampoo and blowdry and hand you a glass of wine!
Where to Stay

St. Regis
This is by far my favorite place to check in when I need a Staycation
and they have the best patio for drinks and apps.
Went last night and I’m ready to move in……
Where to go Dancing with your Girlfriends

Johnnies Hideaway- Old School Tunes
Vanquish- Be prepared to stay a while, you wont want to leave
Song of the week:
Great for Walking And Dancing!!!
Titanium by David Guetta
Whew, what a week. I need some R&R!
Happy Summer to All-

Im heading south today for some beach and baseball time!
Fashionable CHICKs

Current FC Obsessions

Current FC Obsessions

Current FC Obsessions by fashionablechicks

Happy Monday CHICKs!

Here are a few of my can’t live without pieces right now for the summer!

1. Pumps with metal accents-heel or toe

2. Mario Badescu Glycolic Face Wash- this stuff has wonder power!

3. Tarte Cheek Stain-Perfect for that summertime glow. Put it on AFTER your bronzer!
Otherwise you will have a gooey mess!

4. Mosley Tribes Ray Bans

5. Luxury Rebel Sandals- these are my latest purchase!

6. Shoshanna Bikinis
Perfect for BUSTY girls like me

7. Lisa Stein Hoop Earrings
I think I wear these everyday! Everyday!
An investment but soooo worth it!

8. The song Come Over by Kenny.
Have you heard it?

Happy Shopping and Listening!

Photo from my weekend- I had a lovely evening with friends at the Park Tavern to celebrate a friends engagement.