

Heading South to the Florida Keys on Thursday for some much needed R&R.

When planning our vacation I had three rules-

1. No sightseeing
2. No agenda
3. No fancy clothes

I truly want to veg, read at least two books and drink lots of beverages that have umbrellas in them!
That is it, nothing else!

I am packing very light, at least I’m going to try.
This is a very difficult task for me.

I got this bikini at Old Navy over the weekend.
It was $20! No lie.
It is a bright orange with gold rings and I love it, who needs to spend $200 on a bikini?

Add a couple sundresses, sunglasses and a hat and I’m out the door.

I bought the anchor necklace the other day and I love it.
Shhh, don’t tell my mom but I’ve always wanted a small anchor tattoo (I spent a lot of my childhood on a boat if you are wondering the significance).
This will have to do the job.

Happy Monday, so thrilled about my three day work week!
Fashionable CHICKs

PS. New website is almost finished!
I can’t wait…..

Heading in Search of the Sun

Heading in Search of the Sun
Heading in Search of the Sun by fashionablechicks 

Heading South for the week and I can’t wait! I feel like a kid again, this week has gone by so incredibly slow!

Looking forward to spending time with my children away from the phones and tv’s and computers.
Looking forward  to finishing my book and starting a new one.
Looking forward to the sunsets.
Looking forward to lots of cousin time.
Looking forward to visits to the Sugar Shack.
Looking forward to a very cold beverage.
Looking forward to long walks.
Looking forward to no work and all play.
Looking forward to drip castles.
Looking forward to mermaids.
Looking forward to seeing lots of stars.
Looking forward to listening to good music.
Looking forward to feeling rested……
should I go on?

Oh, sorry I was day dreaming, back to the fashion blog.
Must pack all of the above.
Big hats, sunscreen, sunglasses and a bikini is really all I need.
But I love a denim shirt as a cover up, a light sweater for cool nights.
A great pair of gold thong sandals, a cool DVR coverup.
A pair of gold hoops and Im good to go.
All set!

Fashionable CHICKs

Hopefully the soon the be bronzed CHICK!